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Hi, I'm Robyn Bjornson

Holistic Movement Specialist and Birth Support Professional

B.A. In Dance Education

Certified in BrainDance and creative dance facilitation

300HR Yoga Therapy Teacher Training, India

200HR Vinyasa Yoga Teacher training, Seattle WA.

Certified Trauma Informed Yoga 

Certified Pre-natal Yoga Instructor

Certified Birth Doula (DONA approved)

100 HR certification in Steel Mace Vinyasa + Program Design

Certified pre +post natal fitness- FIT4MOM

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

 This is my story

My transformative journey through movement practices began in high school as a response to struggles with low self-esteem, addictive tendencies, and chronic back pain from scoliosis. Yoga became my beacon of healing and awareness, guided by a teacher who not only addressed my spinal health but also paved the way for a conscious lifestyle.

Within six months of dedicated yoga study, I witnessed the departure of depression and anxiety, replaced by a profound sense of joy. Eager to share this clarity and joy with others, I embarked on a Yoga Teacher training at the age of 18. Since then, I've taught diverse groups—children, teens, adults, and elders—culminating in advanced studies in India in 2018.

In 2016, I discovered Butoh as my primary creative and artistic outlet, intertwining healing and expression. Explore my ART page to delve deeper into this aspect of my journey.

Complementing my yoga journey, I delved into functional movement training, strength and mobility coaching, and mastery of steel mace vinyasa. As an instructor, I empower students to overcome back pain, heal pelvic floor dysfunctions and learn to LOVE being in their bodies. I do this by offering the same tools that transformed my own experience without resorting to surgery or despair.

Beyond movement, my expertise extends into child care and programming. Countless hours spent with children in various capacities—schools, tutoring, dance classes, and nannying—instilled in me a deep compassion for mothers. I am passionate about helping mothers strengthen both body and mind, enabling them to be present for their children.

My love for birth led me to pursue a dual training in Prenatal Yoga and Birth Doula certification. Today, I teach prenatal yoga and fitness in Seattle while attending live births, ensuring women experience empowered transitions into motherhood.

On a mission to help women heal their relationship with their body and mind, I provide tools for pain management and spread joy through movement. Join me on this empowering journey of embodied wellness!

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