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5 ways to infuse more meaning into your movement practice

Jul 28, 2022

Do you ever feel like your fitness routine gets stale, boring or you just don't feel connected to what you are doing? Here are a few tips to try adding into you movement practice that can uplift, inspire and add meaning into your practice!


#1) Tie your practice/workout together with your core desired feeling or state. Movement has the power to change our neurobiology, the chemicals running through our system and also can help aid in the way we talk to our selves - use that with intention! While you are movement, lifting, running etc. - use that energy of movement to cultivate the emotional state you are desiring. Pairing movement with perhaps talking out loud to yourself, cheering yourself on, intentionally uplifting yourself - being your own cheerleader!


#2) Create a consistent schedule for your movement practice.

Take the guesswork out of when to workout or move or practice, by creating a 4 day wave (see my video on creating your own 4 day wave) or creating a programmed workout schedule for yourself. 


#3) Include others!

Moving with others is one of the greatest joys we can give to each-other! Either through workouts together, having others hold you accountable, or movement in spaces/places where others are also independently practicing their own style of movement can help keep you going when you don't feel like it. 


#4) Tie movement to a meaningful goal.

Choose a goal you are working on (outside of your goal to move intentionally everyday) and use your practice as a way to harness the uplifted feelings you get post workout to work towards your goals. Tie intention into your work.


#5) Practice in an inspiring environment.

Whether that be your favorite place in nature, creating your own inspiring place in your home through inspiring music, candles, pictures, quotes or even writing your workout in front of you or maybe it's something else for you! Either way, practice in a place you are inspired to be in.

If movement feel stale to you try out one of the things I've listed above and feel free to comment below giving more ways to integrate meaning into your practice. 

Sending waves of joy your way. 

here is my YouTube video that expands upon this tips! check it out!

Love, Robyn

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